Step 1
Select your preferred integration type and get to know your dedicated integration and implementation team
Telehealth demands are on the rise. In 2021, 37% of adults in the United States reported having used a telemedicine company. DoseSpot is a cloud-based ePrescribing platform that integrates seamlessly within your current Electronic Health Record (EHR), to allow your providers the optimal ePrescribing experience. Our response time is less than 300 milliseconds assuring your digital healthcare organization a streamlined experience.
DoseSpot is a cloud-based ePrescribing platform that is both Surescripts and Drummond compliant for Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) and is ideal for Telehealth and Digital Health Companies. We partner with Surescripts and others to give your providers access to the largest directory of pharmacies available. With DoseSpots’ easy-to-use customer-friendly interface, integrated ePrescribing has never been easier!